Kinetic Fighting

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Licensed KEF–IC Instructors

Kinetic Fighting–Integrated Combat (KEF–IC) is our ‘civilian’ program for preventing and combating violence — also known as Personal Combatives. Kinetic Fighting staff and Combatives Master Trainers deliver a number of annual KEF–IC courses around Australia, as well as regular training at KEF HQ (The Kinetic Combatives Centre in Albion, Qld). However, it’s our licensed affiliate instructors who ensure the program is available to an ever-growing number of people across the country. See below to find a local instructor, and check out our courses page for upcoming events near you.

New South Wales


South Australia


Western Australia

New South Wales


Mark Fazackerley


Mark Fazackerley has trained in martial arts for over 35 years and currently holds the rank of 3rd Dan in Jin Sei Ryu, a karate method that stems from Kyokushin full-contact karate.

After several years working in nightclub security in the 1990s, Mark saw the need to expand his skill set for real-world application, and took up Kwan Nyom hapkido. He now holds the rank of Brown-belt in this Korean martial art, which focuses on joint-locking and throwing. When a rise in knife crime started Mark questioning the utility of traditional martial arts’ knife defences, he also began training in Floro Fighting Systems (FFS), of which he is now a certified Level 1 Instructor.

Now, with KEF–IC Mark has found the practical approach and reality-based principles required to “bring all this together into a well-rounded methodology for surviving violent encounters,” he says.

Developed over many years, Mark’s teaching style is pragmatic and designed to be appropriate for each participant’s size and skill level. He is licensed to provide KEF–IC training in modules A–D. Find out more here.

Simon Mouatt


Simon Mouatt is a veteran of the Australian Army, having joined as a soldier and subsequently going on to become an Infantry Officer in the Royal Australian Regiment. Over more than 11 years, he served in various roles in units such as 5/7 RAR (Mech) and 6 RAR, and was a founding member of the Combat Training Centre (Live). As a Rifle Platoon Commander, Simon deployed to Timor Leste (aka East Timor) as part of Australia’s contribution to UNTAET, and was actively engaged in counter-insurgency operations in the border regions. In preparation for his deployment, he was also trained as a crowd/riot-control instructor.

Having begun judo training at an early age, Simon has trained in various martial arts throughout his life and has been teaching Kinetic Fighting since 2020. A keen sportsman, he has also tested his mettle in marathon kayaking and mountain bike racing.

Simon now runs The Integrated Warrior Academy in Bowral, the heart of the Southern Highlands. There he delivers daily KEF–IC training in daily classes and in four-hour course blocks, covering the Alpha to Echo modules.


Ben Kelleher


Ben Kelleher is the head trainer at the Kinetic Combatives Centre (KCC) under Chief Combatives Master Trainer (CCMT) Paul Cale. As a Combatives Trainer (KEF–IC Brown Belt), Ben has taught the Army Combatives Program (ACP) to Australian and Indian soldiers, as well as the SAS in his country of origin, New Zealand. He is also the manager and head trainer at The Mill Gym Brisbane, which adjoins the KCC in Albion.

Recently retired as a fighter, Ben has had 80 professional bouts across three combat sports: boxing, kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). As a cruiserweight, his boxing titles included Australian champion (multiple times), Australasian champion and IBF (international) champion; in kickboxing, he won the Australian and South Pacific K1 titles. Always in search of a challenge, Ben also won an Australian MMA championship and has earned his Purple-belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ). He now competes in triathlon.

A proud representative of his Māori culture, Ben was the first KEF–IC instructor to perform the unique haka that was created for the Kinetic Fighting/Army Combatives Program instructor cadre by his iwi (tribe), the Ngati Whaatua.

Ben provides training in KEF–IC modules A–E and the Kinetic Combatives day-to-day program, as well as ACP (for Defence personnel only). Contact him via the KCC website,

Piero Borgna


KEF–IC’s 2023 Instructor of the Year Piero ‘Peter’ Borgna has proven himself among Australia’s most proficient combatives exponents. He has earned the coveted Green Belt  and ‘Advanced Instructor’ title by completing KEF’s gruelling Green Mile, as well as the Australian Army Combatives Program (ACP) Level 2. Piero is also an accredited law-enforcement instructor and teaches specialised reality-based self-defence classes for women as well as children/youths, incorporating KEF–IC methodology.

Piero began his combatives training in krav maga in 2007 and has since undergone intensive training in Israel. Under the tutelage of Israeli masters, he’s earned Expert Black Belt and Instructor ranks with several international training organisations including IKMF, KMG, SMART KM and Protect Krav Maga.

Piero’s many decades of skill development in martial arts — chiefly boxing and taekwondo, but also MMA, muay Thai, judo and BJJ — have also been tested and recognised in the form of his Jissen Budo (‘all-round fighting’) Black Belt. Additionally, he trains regularly in pistol and rifle shooting and firearm tactics, and has an extensive applied knowledge of fitness/bodybuilding and nutrition.

Piero is licensed to provide KEF–IC training in modules A–E. For more training info visit his website.

Piero Borgna wearing KEF–IC Instructor T-shirt
Glenn Irvine KEF-IC

Glenn Irvine


Glenn Irvine has been teaching traditional karate and Japanese martial arts for over 35 years, with a strong focus on self-defence applications. As well as having a 6th Dan rank in Okinawan karate (Shuri-te) through the DNBK in Kyoto, and a 2nd Dan in Yoshinkan aikido, he was among the first civilians involved in Kinetic Fighting with Paul Cale almost 10 years ago. As Director of Civilian Programs, Glenn has been heavily involved in the development of Kinetic Fighting courses for the public.

Glenn also leverages his knowledge of combat-sports skill development and coaching in his teaching. As the Australian Karate Federation’s Qld State Coaching Director for 10 years, he has coached many sport-karate athletes at national and international level.

Glenn runs weekly KEF–IC classes at his dojo in Alexandra Hills, east of Brisbane, and hosts free KEF–IC courses for ‘at-risk’ people such as domestic violence victims and hospital staff through his not-for-profit Kodomon Foundation. He is licensed to provide KEF–IC training in modules A–C. For more info, visit the Kodomon website.

Chris Fechner


A martial arts student for nearly 20 years, Chris Fechner works full-time in the security industry. He is also an experienced instructor and a veteran of submission-grappling and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) competition. 

Before becoming a KEF–IC instructor, Chris had already achieved hard-earned certifications in several self-protection systems, including Krav Maga Expert Level 1 Instructor (tested and certified in Israel) and Close Quarters Combat Advanced Instructor (Scientific Fighting Congress of Australia). He holds Black-belts in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ), hapkido and escrima (Filipino weaponry-based combat), and is ranked 4th Dan in Jissen Budo — the supporting martial arts system for the Army Combatives Program and KEF–IC. He also trains Aussie soldiers at Borneo Barracks as part of an ACP/KEF–IC skill-enhancement program.

Chris is a big advocate of cross-training, as he believes there isn’t necessarily ‘one system’ to suit everybody. “All that matters is the individual,” he says. He focuses on giving students the technical, tactical and principle-based options to deal with violence rationally, while developing their mindsets and decision-making skills — because, “In a violent situation, skills alone mean nothing if the brain is not trained.”

Chris is licensed to provide KEF–IC training in modules A–E and can be contacted via Facebook.

Chris Fetcher KEF-IC-Instructor

Henry Le Gay Brereton


Henry Le Gay Brereton spent 36 years in the ADF, during which he deployed to the Middle East, North Africa, Asia and the Pacific region. He retired from full-time Army service in 2014 and now serves in a reserve role.

Henry now owns three martial arts schools in south-east Qld — Asia Pacific Self Defence, Centenary Martial Arts and Ipswich Martial Arts — where he teaches KEF–IC and hapkido. An experienced instructor and facilitator, Henry held several training appointments in the Army and has a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, along with business qualifications from Six Sigma, LEAN and TQM. A firm believer in lifelong learning and personal growth, his qualifications also include an MBA, Master of Human Resources and Organisational Development, Company Directors Course (AICD) and Graduate Certificate in Accounting.

Henry is passionate about self-protection and enjoys watching his students grow in confidence. “I believe strongly in the values of courage (including moral courage), integrity, loyalty and mateship,” he says.

Henry is licensed to teach KEF–IC modules A–E. For training info, go to his website.

John Trebilco


John Trebilco has been training in martial arts for almost 30 years and has 16 years’ experience in the security industry, including leading crowd-control teams in licensed venues.

He holds Black-belts in three systems: freestyle karate (6th Degree), Goju Ryu karate (5th Degree) and Jissen Budo (4th Degree), the system that supports skill-enhancement in KEF–IC and ACP. He also has extensive training in muay Thai (2nd Kahn) and experience in some weaponry methods. John trains in the grappling arts, too, holding a Brown-belt in judo and Purple-belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ), and has competed and coached in various disciplines covering striking, grappling and shoot-fighting (MMA). Previously a certified Olympic weightlifting coach, John currently holds a Certificate 4 in Fitness and has also completed various kettlebell and strength-and-conditioning courses.

As a security professional, John is qualified as an instructor in the PPCT system for defensive tactics, control and restraint, spontaneous knife defence and baton/handcuff use. He has applied this knowledge and his experience ‘on the doors’ to deliver courses at the Security Institute (from 2005 to 2009), training others to meet their licencing requirements. He is licensed to provide KEF–IC training in modules A–D — find out more here.

KEF–IC Instructor Gold Coast,John Trebilco

South Australia

ACP & KEF–IC Instructor SGT Neville Pace

Nev Pace


A former tactical operator with the South Australian Police Special Tasks and Recue Group (STAR), Neville Pace, aka ‘Nev’ or ‘Pacey’, now teaches the Army Combative Program (ACP) as a Sergeant in the Army Reserves, Royal Australian Engineers.

During 2006–08, as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Nev performed TAA (Train, Advise and Assist) operations for the National Iraqi Police at the Numaniyah National Police Academy. Applying his STAR skill sets, he performed Zero Alpha, Marksman Observer, Vital Asset Protection and Personal Security Detail (PSD) operations. 

Nev’s current Army qualifications include Army Works Diver, Gender Advisor and Civil and Military Cooperation (CIMIC) Operator for Domestic and International Operations. He is also a certified mental health resilience trainer with SAHMRI (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute).

“I’m passionate about empowering people with combative tools to protect themselves, both mentally and physically,” he says.

With a martial arts background in judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Jissen Budo, Nev holds a Blue-belt with Jissen Budo International and trains at JBI Adelaide under Shodan Steven Pace. He is licenced to provide training in KEF–IC modules A–E (for more info, contact him here).


AJ Kearns


AJ Kearns has more than 20 years’ experience in self-protection and martial arts training, and 16 years in instructing. Motivated by seeing a friend attacked, AJ began training in taekwondo in 2000, before going on to study kobudo (traditional Okinawan weaponry skills) and attaining Black-belt rank in both systems. 

AJ has focused on reality-based self-defence systems since 2002, and earned his certification as an Advanced Civilian Krav Maga Instructor by Dr Itay Gil of Protect Krav Maga in 2006. He has since gained instructor certifications in Tactical Krav Maga, Krav Maga Practical (by Roy Faiga of Israel’s Wingate Institute) and Youth Krav Maga (by Lior Offenbach). He is also a certified instructor of Floro Fighting Systems and was Melbourne’s first KEF–IC instructor, certified by Paul Cale. AJ has since joined the Australian Army Reserve and completed the Army Combatives Program (ACP) Level 1 as a recruit.

AJ is a qualified Personal Trainer (Cert IV in Fitness) and teaches KEF–IC alongside his own system, Guardian Krav Maga, at Guardian Defence in Melbourne’s northern suburbs. He is licensed to provide KEF–IC training in modules A–E. Find out more via his website.

AJ Kearns KEF-IC
KEF–IC Instructor Jonathan Batten

Jonathan Batten


Jonathan spent 15 years in the Australian Army, with two deployments to Afghanistan, and one to Timor and Solomon Islands. During this time, he participated in Army’s first attempt at returning to combatives in 2003, the development and retiring of MSD, followed by the adoption of Infantry Integrated Combat (IIC, developed by KEF creator Paul Cale). He undertook two postings as an instructor: at the Army Recruit Training Centre as a recruit instructor, and at the School of Infantry, Singleton, as a tactics instructor.

Jonathan continues to serve in the Army Reserve as a Sergeant and instructor of the Army Combatives Program (ACP) Level 1 and 2, while providing professional security consultation and services to a range of industries. He is also a key member of Kinetic Fighting’s instructor team, delivering ACP and Combat Shooting courses to soldiers at the School of Infantry.

Jonathan took up krav maga during his time at 3RAR (Airborne) in Sydney, studying under Ron Engelman to cover the combatives capability gap that was later filled by IIC and the ACP. He now works closely with the team at Guardian Defence, leading regular practice sessions and teaching KEF–IC modules A–E. He is available for mobile training delivery.

Justin Qubrosi


Ranked 4th Dan Black-belt in the Kando Martial Arts system, Justin Qubrosi teaches full-time at his own academy, Kando Martial Arts, Highett. Kando is a freestyle blend of karate, kickboxing and ground-fighting, with a self-defence focus owing to its founder, Shihan Paul Veldman, having had a long career with Victoria Police.

Justin has been practising martial arts since the age of 14, with a brief hiatus to complete his Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology. Although his career began with re-engineering and project management work in the finance sector, his “keen focus on sharpening [his] expertise in all things self-defence and combat” soon took over.

Alongside Kando and Kinetic Fighting, Justin regularly trains in BJJ with Trent Rice and in kickboxing with former muay Thai champion Nick Kara. He is also a certified instructor of Floro Fighting Systems (Category 7) and Kalis Illustrisimo (Level 3), both under edged-weapons expert Guro Raymond Floro.

Justin holds a Certificate III in Fitness Instruction and is licensed to teach KEF–IC modules A–D. He can be contacted here.

KEF–IC Instructor Justin Qubrosi

Craig Donaldson


Craig Donaldson has been training in the martial arts for more than 30 years. He started in freestyle karate, in which he holds a 3rd Dan Black-belt, then expanded his repertoire to meet the demands of security/crowd-control work. He took up Shootfighting (Mixed Martial Arts) and Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) with John Will, earning his Black-belt in 2018. 

Having also trained in Floro Fighting Systems since 2013, Craig is a Category 8 Instructor under FFS founder Ray Floro, a specialist with blades, sticks and improvised weapons. Craig became involved with Kinetic Fighting in 2015 and has since integrated its methods into Integrity’s combatives classes, as well as teaching the KEF–IC program.

Craig’s academy now delivers training in BJJ, boxing and kickboxing, MMA, FFS and combatives, with a focus on positive culture and mindset. “You need to gain a technique and strategy, hone it, pressure-test it, call ‘BS’ where required, then repeat until you own your skill set!” he says.

Craig is licensed to provide training in KEF–IC modules A–E. Find out more here.

Matt Mellington


Matt Mellington is the Head Instructor and owner of Horsham Allied Martial Arts (HAMA), and has been involved with KEF–IC since 2015. He has been training in martial arts and working in security for 20 years, 15 of those as security manager at a healthcare facility. Always striving to enhance his skills, he has also trained with many elite instructors in Australia, the Philippines, Thailand and the USA.

Matt’s focus at HAMA is cultivating a friendly environment where everyone helps each other regardless of skill level, and training is adapted to help each student get the most out of every session. “I believe that, in today’s world, everyone should learn self-defence skills to have situational awareness and to protect themselves and their family,” says Matt.

At HAMA Matt teaches Zen Do Kai (ZDK), Doce Pares eskrima (stick and knife methods), BJMA krav maga, kickboxing and kids’ karate, as well as KEF–IC courses and self-defence classes using KEF principles. Matt is licensed to provide KEF–IC training in modules A–E. Visit the HAMA website for more info.


Western Australia

Nick Caldwell KEF IC

Nick Caldwell


A former Australian Commando and SAS operator, Nick Caldwell is qualified in Special Forces Close Quarter Fighting (CQF) and Close Quarter Battle (CQB). He is also a highly experienced exponent of the martial arts, including full-contact karate and Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ).

Nick served for more than 12 years in Special Forces, during which he deployed to conflict zones in South East Asia and the Middle East, including Timor Leste and Iraq. Since then, he has gained extensive experience instructing students across Australia and Asia in team development, security, enterprise risk management, crisis management, survival and first aid.

Today, he is co-owner and instructor at The Mill Gym in North Fremantle, WA, which delivers training in KEF–IC, BJJ, strength and conditioning, resilience and pre-enlistment skill development for military and other front-line jobs. He holds a Graduate Diploma in Training Management, and Diplomas in Paramedical Science, Security and Risk management and Government Security.

Nick is also a Combatives Master Trainer (KEF–IC Black-belt) and delivers Combat Shooting courses to soldiers at the School of Infantry as a member of Kinetic Fighting’s instructor team. Contact him here.