Learn how to prevent violence before it happens, using proven behavioural analysis and threat-detection methods. Behavioural intelligence expert Mathew Wann — author of Predicting Violence: How to Interpret Nonverbal Cues…

Learn how to apply behavioural analysis and situational awareness to manage threats in dynamic environments. Take your violence-prevention skills to the next level with behavioural intelligence expert Mathew Wann, author…

Learn how to prevent violence before it happens, using proven behavioural analysis and threat-detection methods. Behavioural intelligence expert Mathew Wann — author of Predicting Violence: How to Interpret Nonverbal Cues…

Learn how to apply behavioural analysis and situational awareness to manage threats in dynamic environments. Take your violence-prevention skills to the next level with behavioural intelligence expert Mathew Wann, author…

Learn how to apply behavioural analysis and situational awareness to manage threats in dynamic environments. Take your violence-prevention skills to the next level with behavioural intelligence expert Mathew Wann, author…

Learn how to prevent violence before it happens, using proven behavioural analysis and threat-detection methods. Behavioural intelligence expert Mathew Wann — author of Predicting Violence: How to Interpret Nonverbal Cues…

Learn how to apply behavioural analysis and situational awareness to manage threats in dynamic environments. Take your violence-prevention skills to the next level with behavioural intelligence expert Mathew Wann, author…

Learn how to prevent violence before it happens, using proven behavioural analysis and threat-detection methods. Behavioural intelligence expert Mathew Wann — author of Predicting Violence: How to Interpret Nonverbal Cues…

In military and self-protection training, we often talk about mindset and about posture. But rarely do we recognise how the two are related, and the effect our posture can have on the mindset of others. That’s what makes the ‘hunting posture’ so important for soldiers in close-quarter combat.

Kinetic Fighting
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