Test your fitness against Special Forces protocols, and develop your mental resilience beyond what you thought possible! The Mill Gym’s Cadre Camp is a gruelling, 36-hour training camp modelled on…

Discipline is our ultimate weapon in the daily war on wasted time and aimless effort. For most successful people, it’s habitual — and it can be for anyone who’s willing. Learned through decades of martial arts practice and Special Forces soldiering, these three tips to master self-discipline could help provide your will with a way.

If you think discipline is restrictive and routine is dull, you’re missing out. Those who’ve mastered self-discipline know that it’s the key to freedom, because you can achieve and experience much more in life with it than you can without it.

Lots of people set themselves goals, but if you really want to instil the mindset required for success, try going on a mission instead. And before you start, pay close attention to the three key elements of mission planning.

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