Kinetic Fighting trainers recently delivered Individual Combat Behaviours (ICB) training to Australian military personnel over several weeks in Brisbane.
Flick the Switch via Conditioned Response
You’re a generally calm, sociable human being…so how do you learn to mentally ‘flick the switch’ and become an instrument of violence when your life is under threat? Try this oldie-but-goody: the Stimulus/Conditioned Response Training Principle.
Hunting Posture, Fighting Mindset
In military and self-protection training, we often talk about mindset and about posture. But rarely do we recognise how the two are related, and the effect our posture can have on the mindset of others. That’s what makes the ‘hunting posture’ so important for soldiers in close-quarter combat.
Army Combatives: Australia Aligned
The Australian Army Combatives Program heralds a new approach to close-combat within the defence force Down Under. Instituted in 2017, it gives Aussie soldiers greater capability to defend themselves against the terrorist threat.